
Meeting with Petra Azar

This week we had the pleasure to meet with European artist, Petra Azar. If that name sounds familiar it is most likely because it is. Petra is the designer of the popular self titled magnetic jewelry. Petra Azar was founded in 2008 and is starting to make a big splash in today’s market. The stylish designs and innovative magnetic closing mechanisms speak for themselves. Doing without the cumbersome clasps of typical chains is a step into the future. You might be thinking that without a clasp then this jewelry will not look as clean and elegant. It is exactly the opposite, once you try on a Petra Azar necklace you will notice how nicely the magnets seal the pieces making it virtually impossible for anyone to know that there is no clasp.

Since we just received our first collections of Petra Azar we wanted to continue to learn more about the jewelry. When we heard that Petra would be in the neighborhood we jumped at the opportunity to have her to the store.


  Michael, Jocelyn, Petra, Alena, Tom


 Tom and Petra

We all had a wonderful time meeting with Petra. She is a very genuine person with a great passion for her art. We were able to learn a lot from her. In the future we would like her to come back for a meet and greet so that our customers have the chance to have the same pleasant experience that we did.  Petra Azar jewelry comes in multiple designs, from being loaded with diamonds to only sterling silver. That means those with an expensive taste as well as those on a budget have something to look for when exploring the Petra Azar collections.

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